Friday, February 24, 2012

It most often affects children,

Autoimmune plays an important role in more than 101 diseases. Below are brief descriptions

some of the many diseases, autoimmune Yaki

may be involved

Below is a list of autoimmune diseases. All of them are caused by the immune system attacks

various organs of our body. Since all these diseases have >> << same mechanism of action, therefore, their treatment, in fact

same. They dealt with VVIH, steroids, plasmapheresis or other cytotoxic

and immunosuppressive treatment, but they

actually caused by the protein on the surface of the virus

bacteria or food .. Our E-Book >> << you will find a natural alternative to antibiotics protocols. is the main cause of most diseases, from

autism, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis with osteoarthritis. >> << The second common cause of your illness. CIDPUSA considers

autoimmune disorders to be secondary to infection

and the impact of chemicals and proteins in food in a process called molecular mimicry

. Influenza followed by convulsions and coma

, causing inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). This

autoimmune diseases. Alzheimer's memory impairment caused by autoimmune disease. Baldness-disorder in which >> << immune system attacks hair follicles, causing hair loss >> << to scalp, face and other parts of the body. - Bechterew Disease

rheumatic disease that causes inflammation of the joints in the spine and sacroiliac

(joints that connect the spine and pelvis) and

in some people, inflammation of the eyes and heart valves. and

treatment with steroids to fix aneurysms. -The general term for more than 100

various diseases affecting the joints. All forms of arthritis and related conditions >> << are believed to have an autoimmune component. I know how to know a particular item as (- a condition where the immune system

squirrels attacking red blood cells, resulting in fewer of these >> << oxygen-transporting cells, check celiac disease-immunity. system attacks the liver.

cells causing inflammation can lead to cirrhosis of the liver in the end

check celiac disease premature ovarian failure causes infertility - ..

sores in the mouth and genitals , inflammation of the joints, eyes., gastrointestinal tract, brain and spinal cord

., inflammatory disease of small intestine >> << or colon that causes diarrhea, cramps, and excessive loss weight. >> << In this state you feel tired when -. >> << autoimmune disease causes

red rash around the joints, eyes, inflammation of muscles may occur in

with other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or

. systemic lupus erythematosus -.

immune system destroys insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, type 1 diabetes usually occurs in children and young people in epilepsy or you pass out, forget, get angry or

.. is involuntary movements of the body disorder that affects the skin and the heart in children

-inflammation. tiny kidney filtering

units in severe cases can lead to renal failure - .. autoimmune thyroid disease that

Results in the overproduction of thyroid hormones symptoms of nervousness, heat intolerance, palpitations, and

unexplained weight loss autoimmune disease affecting the lungs and kidneys - ... disease in which immune system

body attacks part of the nervous system, leading to numb, weak >> << limbs, and in severe cases, paralysis -. generic name of diseases

cause inflammation in intestine, the most common of which is

ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease -. Damage to kidney inflammation that can occur in

people suffering from lupus If not controlled, it can lead to total kidney failure

.., a disease in which the immune system attacks the protective coating

called Myelin around the nerves.

damage affects the brain and / or spinal cord and affects the nerve paths

, resulting in muscle weakness, loss of coordination, and

visual and language problems -. disease in which the immune system attacks the nerves

and neck muscles, causing weakness and problems

vision, chewing and / or speak., inflamed and degenerate muscle of the heart >> << that may cause chest pain and lasix 50 mg shortness of breath.

, This can lead to congestive heart failure. Parkinson which causes slowness and bent posture with tremors is

autoimmune diseases., autoimmune disease characterized by skin >> << itching and blisters. (Excellent article on change


deficiency of oxygen from red blood cells >> << that often occurs in people with autoimmune thyroid disease

autoimmune disease that causes inflammation

Small and medium-sized arteries that leads to

- .. problems in the muscles, joints, intestines, nerves, kidneys and skin

rare autoimmune disease characterized by

inflamed and tender muscles throughout the body, especially

-. shoulder and hip girdle., a disease that destroys the bile ducts

liver, bile (a substance

that helps digest fats) accumulate in the liver and damages liver tissue

., skin disease. results in expansion and inflammation

, estimated 10 to 30 percent of people with psoriasis develop

associated arthritis called psoriatic arthritis -. disease that may occur after rough

streptococcus (strep) infection. It most often affects children,

--causing pain, joint inflammation, and in some cases permanent> ;> << damage heart valves -. disease in which immune system

believed to attack the lining of the joints. As a result of the joint >> << pain, stiffness, swelling, and destruction., disease, characterized by granulomas (small >> << neoplasm of blood vessels, cells and connective tissue) that may

cause problems in skin, lungs, eyes, joints and muscles., autoimmune disease characterized by abnormal >> << proliferation of connective tissue in skin and blood vessels.

affects all organs and patients look fine. - a condition where the immune system

purpose of body moisture glands, leads to dryness

eyes, mouth and other body tissues -. autoimmune diseases, especially >> << young women that can affect many parts of the body, including

joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels and brain -. inflammation of the thyroid gland, causing

iron to be a result of thyroid symptoms such as

fatigue, weakness, weight gain, intolerance to cold and pain in the meat muscles - .. disease that causes ulcers in the upper >> << alignment. colon, leading to abdominal pain >> << and diarrhea -.

inflammation of the eye including Iris, uveitis occurs with rheumatic diseases

disease in which the immune system destroys-A.

pigment-making cells called melanocytes. This results in white patches of skin >> << to different parts of the body., autoimmune disease that damages the

Small and medium-sized blood vessels throughout the body, resulting in

lung disease, upper respiratory tract, kidney and completely reversiable.

liver disease with slow movements, tremor,

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