You know that women have a higher risk of dying from Osteoporosis than from? As the population continues to age
, the prevalence of osteoporosis only
growth. This is a widespread disease, with 1 in 4 women and
1 out of 8 men who suffer from this disease. Osteoporosis is defined as >> << skeletal disease characterized by the threat of bone strength >> << that puts people at increased risk of fractures. This
is the risk of fractures, which makes the disease lethal. Women
1 of 6 lifetime risk of hip fracture. This higher risk than
Development >> << where the risk is 1 to 9 (1). In women suffering from hip fracture, 50% are dependent on other >> << to perform everyday tasks, and 20% require long-term care. Osteoporosis
usually diagnosed based on history people >> << fragility fractures, or on the basis of low bone density. You
, wanted to know how to help prevent osteoporosis? Eat vegetables! Vegetables
helps keep your bones and helps fight bone thinning disease osteoporosis
. This is a great way >> << to fresh vegetables most of your. University
research (2) have shown that vegetables and herbs can improve your bone metabolism. The researchers found that rats that ate common vegetables and herbs such as onion >> <<,
, and lettuce were significantly less bone loss than rats not on this >> , << a special diet. Interestingly, the
and milk products
believe helps slow the process of developing osteoporosis - not >> << impact on the rate of bone resorption in rats. Another >> << a recent study (3) also showed the connection between the main fruit and vegetable consumption
to increase bone density, but no such effect for dairy products. As researchers
offered for many years, minerals in the bones serve >> << buffer against all. After a life of buffering acid load of foods diet that
full of grain, we have a gradual loss of bone minerals and bone
loss. >> << Therapy of osteoporosis may lie in its prevention. It is certainly worth >> << to consider lowering the coefficient of depletion of bone using. This type of diet would emphasize the reception
and protein. 2
nutrients that may be appropriate buffering effect of magnesium and potassium. Potassium supplements recommended if, like me, you take frequently.
Recommends potassium supplements. Magnesium and potassium in different
generally >> << including fruits and vegetables. Is
theoretical reason to expect the relationship between bone loss and potassium and magnesium
For example, metabolic balance studies have shown that potassium >> << helps keep the kidneys of calcium, while low intake of potassium leads
increase calcium loss in urine. One
. best way to normalize it. Vegetable juices are also high in vitamin K (fillohynon), which is actually
cement calcium into your bone matrix. Women
should investigate the case. One
arguments that vegetarians found stating that the increase >> << consumption of protein, especially animal protein, leads to calcium loss from bones
. This
does not seem quite right. If you have inadequate protein intake,
quite clear loss of bone density. There are many research
showing it. During >> << last 3 years of training (4), about 350 elderly men and women who were taking drugs
calcium and vitamin D supplements, the researchers found that
, bone density increased more in men, a diet containing
same protein. Whether the protein came mainly from vegetable or animal origin
no effect on increasing bone density. Bone density
can be improved by increasing protein intake in many older women and men
until they meet currently recommended intake of calcium and vitamin D. >> << The more protein
someone eats, the more calcium is excreted in the urine. Excessive protein consumption
must be bad for bones. But the results of the study (1) indicate that
concern about protein intake may be unsubstantiated. This study
and other recently published studies go a long way toward refuting problem
animal protein is bad for bones. You should >> << protein and calcium to strengthen bones, and if your diet is more, the
bones would probably be in better shape than if you are missing
in one or both these nutrients. I spend much time learning
best prices for supplements on the internet and in my opinion, the lowest price
for the high quality of calcium on the Internet is. Osteoporosis is not without dangers >> << and complications. Osteoporosis drug Fosamax increases entitled
ulcer risk, especially if you take it with anti-inflammatory drugs. Taking
combination of two common drugs can significantly increase the risk
development of gastric ulcers: 2 drug - Fosamax and anti-inflammatory drug Paracetamol
- can cause stomach ulcers by themselves. But when
taken together, the rate of gastric ulcer is much more than would be expected from
2 added effects of the drug taken alone. Anti-inflammatory
drugs such as Naprosyn often come from people with. Since the summer - especially women - often suffer as
to osteoporosis and, like
is not surprising for someone to take both. Stomach ulcers
developed in 8% (5), study participants receiving Fosamax
Only 12% of those receiving Naprosyn alone, and 38% of study participants with
two. Even in the
volunteers who do not develop stomach ulcers, damage the lining of the stomach was >> << worse those who have received >> << combination drugs than those who received drug or by itself. Two 1998
research (6,7) said Fosamax prevents bone loss. Interestingly,
Merck, manufacturer of Fosamax, funded both of these studies >> << and both were in 2-respected medical journals in the same week. Many people think they know Fosamax be metabolic poison that
absolutely does nothing to eliminate the causes of osteoporosis. Dr. John Lee
doctor who wrote. He is
strongly against the use of Fosamax. It
clear that if they kill cells, bones get denser. What these studies
not show that a few years, the bone actually becomes weaker
although it is more dense. This is because bones
dynamic structure and requires removal and replacement
new bone to stay strong. Fosamax is not to build new bone. The true solution is the adoption
stressing and go on. Browse books by Dr. Lee, for more information. (1) Canadian Medical Journal November 12, 2002 p 167
(2) Summer 1999 on September 23, 401 (6751) :343-4 effect of vegetables on bone metabolism <<. >> (3) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 71, № 1, 142-151,
January 2000. Dietary effects on bone mass and bone metabolism:
further evidence of a positive link between consumption of fruits and vegetables
and bone health? (4) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in April 2002, 75:609-610, 773-779
(5) Archives of Internal Medicine January 8, 2001, 161:107-110
(7) Annals of Internal Medicine ( 1998, 128:253-261, 313-314)
Disclaimer: This site, made statements relating to the properties >> << and lasix heart / or functions of food and / or food . These statements
not been evaluated with the Food and Drug Administration and these materials
and products are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. .
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